Friday, January 3, 2020

Third Eye Activation

Ghosts, spirits, vision -- these are the ideas that come to thought when talking about the Third Eye.

You might be astonished to know that the Third Eye is so much more than something you use to see ethereal beings, or a device used to observe if you’ll win the lottery. In particular dharmic spiritual beliefs such as Hinduism, the third eye belongs to the Ajna, or brow, chakra. Devotees say that the pineal gland, once aroused to its full potential can let us travel through dimensions, look into fate and have an excellent understanding of every unknown mystery of the universe.

Let’s discover out a bit deeper about this questionable “Third Eye” which may or may not be the gateway to Enlightenment.

● The Buddhist connection
The pine-cones in Buddha’s hair is not the only associate with the visible ideas that the pineal gland is the third eye. Pretty interestingly, according to Mahanaya Buddhism, it needs 49 days for the soul to be reborn after death which is the accurate time taken by the pineal gland to grow in a new fetus. Experts have examined brain scans of Tibetan Buddhist monks and found increased activity in their pineal glands during meditation.

● The Shiva Linga is actually the pineal gland
Hostile to the hypothesis that the Shiva Linga denotes a phallic figure, many are of the opinion that the Shiva Linga really describes the pineal gland. The pineal gland of the human body is fully aroused in darkness. Interestingly, the Shiva Linga is also located in the darkest sanctums of the stupas. The seclusion is considered to be one of the causes why ancient Rishis did their Tapasya (meditation) in caves.

● The Third Eye is the Seat of your soul
Your Third Eye is assumed to be the foundation of your soul because it gives you a way to encounter your soul minus the limitations of the physical environment. The Third Eye also acts as the doorway to your immortal life and your earth-bound existence.

● The Third Eye can help you discover your life’s purpose
Why are you here? What is your ambition in life? Are you making the correct choices? These are issues that match you want to know your life’s mission. Before being reborn in this life, your life already indented the teachings to be discovered and aims to be accomplished in this life. This knowledge is saved deep in your preconscious, so you are born not grasping your life’s mission. You can determine your life’s mission by utilizing your Third Eye, but in order to reach your inner soul, you have to meditate for heightened center and information. Once your Third Eye has been awoken, the things you want to know regarding your life’s purpose will come naturally.

If you aspire to know more about opening your Third Eye, or how to intensify your psychic abilities, then concern The Center of Healing. They believe that its extraordinary mission and spectacular location make it the perfect place to rejuvenate your inner body and soul. We take our customers on a journey to explore their inner strength and weaknesses which helps them in their mental upliftment and heal them in every manner.

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